#Attack in France#

France called again today as news headlines were the victims of terrorism. Unfortunately, a radical Salafi groups have a history of supporting peace-loving nations and people new catastrophe brought French art and culture.

This criminal act is condemned and hated by all men.

But since the police killing of French security system journal Sharlyhbdo  crime Amdy Kolybaly.Kvashy brothers did not learn enough.

I propose that the French police prepare a comprehensive database of the risk of terrorist action.

And due to the restrictions on access to areas with high risk of each individual to his community, explosives and weapons consider

Continuous control and monitoring of high-risk individuals, as well as the unexpected from home and workplace inspections, they will reduce the possibility of a terrorist act.

High-risk individuals by electronic bracelets and continuous monitoring of the actions and communications control.

To reduce the risk of high-risk individuals should be required to take cultural classes for them to be aware of the risk of Should the nature of the terrorist groups for their deception to obtain whole society, they tend to be low.breaking the law and terrorism.
This warning also needs to certainly among African and Asian immigrants fled insecure countries certainly those of Extremist Salafis and al-Qaeda are the trends isil. The people in the guise of refugees to form the core of recruiting and organizing terrorist operations in European countries will act

Discrimination, poverty unemployment among French Muslims should be remedied

We Muslims are violent hate crimes and extremism.

Islam invites people to the peace and friendship

Holy Christ of peace and friendship to the people invited

We Muslims love all people and all religions.

 Peace and tranquility to France and all over the world


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